Friday, November 20, 2009


Someone at Lostpedia convinced me to be a part of the current LOST ARG going on right now at

Clues lead you to a real place then you get a URL to buy one-of-a-kind LOST posters. Unfortunately, I wasn't able to buy one because they sell out in the first couple of minutes. This time, the URL was hidden at Abe Lee Realty here in Honolulu and I got to go there today to get some LOST goodies.

I didn't have time to shoot everything in the folder because I was doing a piece on the LOST ARG for our local ABC affiliate. So, I went home where I could go through it at a nice place. Plus, I brought out some of LOST swag for a show-and-tell.

Here are some pictures:

28 snide comments:

Anonymous said...

That's awesome that you got to go. That swag is great. Thanks for sharing. I think i'm going to try to find some on ebay. I'm not sure it's going to be there but it's worth a shot. Thanks again for sharing.

Unknown said...

I love doing these things because LOST fans are so appreciative! :) Thank you for giving me the strength to continue these kinds of crazy things I do! :D

Anonymous said...

oh my just got to the point where you said you would send someone a second one if they would pay for the shipping. OH MY I would pay you for the shipping. My heart is beating really fast right now.

Unknown said...

One is reserved for the person who got me involved in this game. Someone on Twitter already contacted me about the second one. I have decided to put that up for a lottery at a LOST ARG site. They'll randomly pick a winner and negotiate a price later.
The guy who I talked with is @OB_FuSc8.
Ask him how you can enter and you'll have a chance to get it!

Anonymous said...

This may sound crazy to you but could you send me a color photocopy of it. I would be just as grateful for that. or at least the insert. If it's ok just let me know. Thanks either way.

Unknown said...

Actually, that's what I'm going to do for myself. Make some color copies and bind them in a nice booklet.
You interested in that? You'll pay for cost of the copies, envelope and shipping costs. And of course, any extra is welcome too! ;)

Anonymous said...

Yes of course I would. That's awesome. Just let me know how to pay you. I have paypal so I could get you money that way.

MJCarp said...

Clay, after a long day here on the mainland I have finally gotten around to watching your videos from this morning. Thank you so much for giving the ARGers a great look at what happended this morning and details about the Ajira/Oceanic brochure. We may need to contact you further if we think it may contain clues related to Frame 16. I saw that the barcode was for a cookbook. Hmmmm. . .

Thanks for allowing another LOST fan to have a part of history with a raffle of the second brochure.

I loved the "polar bear" was here! comment from the realtor. Very funny.


Unknown said...

Yes, PayPal is my preferred way to send and receive money.
My twitter name is @jarofclay73 so we can exchange e-mail there.

Unknown said...

Lottery Ticket - Thank you for your kind words.

Yeah I should post the my barcode findings shouldn't I? I'll add that as an update. I just thought it was funny. But, some think it may be a clue down the road, which is SMART thinking!

Anonymous said...

ok kind of embarassing but i'm not good with twitter. I got to your page and made an account. i'm not exactly sure how to leave a message to you.

ObFuSc8 said...

Hey Clay!

Thanks for all of your help and contributions today. I was thinking that we'd create a thread or post where everyone who wanted the Swag could put their names in, set a deadline and then have a random choosing app pick the winner.

Let me know what you think. Tweet, or at LOST ARGs.

MK said...

Just watched your video from today, thanks for posting and sharing it with us. Also once again thank you so much for going to Abe's (and having your recorder on!) it was like we were there with you. Loved seeing your other swag as well :)

comixguru said...

Hello Clay! Thanks so much for going to the Lost reveal today! I enjoyed your video. I was wondering- are you able to make some high quality scans of the brochures? That way people can get the files and just print them out themselves. :) Just a thought.


Lisa-Maladylis said...

Hi Clay I sent you a tweet on twitter. I can also send you a Dharma Beer cozy (and pay for the printing ) Thanks for doing this for us.

BarbaraJay said...

Thanks for the video report to Abe Lee Realty, Clay. This is my favorite part of the poster ARG, hearing from the people who go to real life reveals. Your video was great fun.

Unknown said...


When I upgraded to Vista, my scanner stopped working and in fact the manufacturer said Vista does not support it.
I'm going to see if Windows 7 now supports it since I already upgraded to Win7.

Unknown said...


I got your tweet. If I can make scans instead would you be interested in that for free?

Unknown said...


Thank you so much for your kind comments. Everyone has been super supportive!

All of my Qik videos upload to YouTube and I already have some LOST videos I made there from the past:


Lisa-Maladylis said...

yeah scans are fine. Thanks so much Clay.

Anonymous said...

Hey Clay! If you can make scans can you send me those? That may make it easier on everyone. Otherwise I don't mind paying shipping.

Unknown said...

Whomever wants scans of the LOST ARG swag, send a direct/private message of your e-mail address on Twitter. I'm @jarofclay73. Then, I'll send you the links to download.

andalone said...

I really enjoyed the video! I can't tell you how appreciative I am to the LOST fans that have attended reveals. I know it completely compromises their chances of getting a poster. I would love to be able to download scans of the download as well...will contact you via twitter. But I am also entering the drawing - gotta LOVE LOST swag!

Thanks again for attending the reveal and your contribution for helping on this ARG!

ObFuSc8 said...

The thread for the swag giveaway is up at STV. Here's the link:

"Castaway Getaways" Swag Give Away

andalone said...

Clay, I can't send you a DM unless you are following me on Twitter. I would love to have a link to the scans of the brochure and insert. I'll send a request on Twitter again - hope you get it. Thanks!

Unknown said...


What is your Twitter name?

Crushproof said...

Hi Clayton-
Hippy Campus here (also Unlocke on Twitter/DarkUfo! Just a quick note to say thanks for showing us the swag, and also your great videos!!! I have a napkin saved for you from the Chicago (15th) poster reveal. Hopefully I'll run into you in January as that is when we are planning on (finally) visiting again. I am now following your blog, so I'll check in from time to time!

Unknown said...


Thank you! I hope to see you here in Hawaii in January and I appreciate the swag from Chicago! Let me know when you're here!



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